Our Land Use Experience
Our firm has assisted a wide range of clients and industries in developing their land or preparing it for sale. We understand how the government process works with a team that is well versed in the regulatory and political processes. Our team includes professionals who have served at every level of government, from Planning Commissions to senior levels in the United States Congress.
We assist clients through all phases of the land development process, whether it is CEQA and EIR mitigation issues, EPA matters, WOTUS and 404 permits, zoning variances, LAFCO approvals, DTSC concerns, or the myriad of other potential roadblocks your project has standing before it.
We help our clients navigate both the routine and complex issues they face. It’s unlikely that a project won’t find some challenges along the path to compliance and approval. While we hope your project won’t require litigation, our team stands ready to fight for you if needed.