Your Rights as the Beneficiary of a Trust

Attorney Image By: James Filippi

A trust is a legal document that designates one party, referred to as the trustee, to retain and administer assets on behalf of another, known as the beneficiary. A trust agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions for the beneficiary’s use of the assets.

The law protects certain privileges for you as a beneficiary of a trust. Even though you may not have the same authority as the trustee to manage and control the assets, it’s crucial to comprehend your rights and the appropriate methods to utilize them. In this blog post, we will go over several important rights that you have as a beneficiary to help you better understand your position within the trust.

As the beneficiary of a trust, you have the right to information, distributions, to enforce the trust, to remove the trustee, to an accounting, to challenge the trust, and to privacy. Let’s explore these more in depth.

Right to Information

You have the right to request information regarding the trust and its assets from the trustee as a beneficiary. This includes details regarding the administration of the assets, any alterations made to the trust deed, and financial statements showcasing the value of the assets.

You should also be aware of any other individuals involved in the administration or benefiting from the trust. The trust may include additional beneficiaries or co-trustees. You must have a thorough understanding of all involved parties in order to safeguard your rights as a beneficiary.

Additionally, you have the right to periodically request updates on the administration and status of the trust. This may help in notifying you of any developments or modifications that could potentially impact your rights as a beneficiary.

It is crucial to communicate with the trustee in writing and specify the information you are seeking when exercising this right. Legally, the trustee must deliver this information promptly.

When beneficiaries disagree or there are concerns regarding the management of the trust, it may be necessary to have an impartial third party, such as an attorney or accountant, evaluate and report on the trust’s management. You have the authority, as a beneficiary, to request such reviews if necessary.

Although beneficiaries are granted specific rights with respect to information pertaining to their trusts, they generally lack direct authority over the administration or allocation of assets. Unless the document specifies otherwise, the fiduciary ultimately holds the authority to make these decisions. All trusts are different, so it is important to review the authority granted to the trustee.

Right to Distributions

The trust agreement’s conditions and provisions govern the beneficiary’s entitlement to distributions from the trust. This implies that you have the right, as a beneficiary, to a certain portion of the assets held in the trust at particular times or under particular conditions.

The frequency and schedule of distributions may differ based on the nature and intent of the trust. For instance, an educational trust may limit the ability to request distributions for tuition expenses incurred during one’s collegiate years. In the case of an inheritance or living trust, it is possible to receive periodic distributions throughout one’s lifetime.

Beneficiaries must have a clear understanding of when they are eligible to request distributions from their trusts. The trust agreement should specify this information in detail, as it may vary based on factors like age, health condition, or financial hardship.

In the absence of explicit provisions concerning distribution requests in the trust agreement, beneficiaries retain the prerogative to submit reasonable appeals for distributions when necessary. However, these requests must continue to be consistent with the overall objectives and purposes of the trust, and with the authorities granted to the trustee in the trust.

Beneficiaries must establish effective communication with trustees and substantiate their need for funds with documentation or evidence when requesting distributions. Trustees are obligated to evaluate these requests in good faith and are not permitted to unduly withhold distributions without valid reasonable justification.

When a trust contains multiple beneficiaries with diverse requirements or limited resources, disagreements may occasionally emerge regarding the distribution decisions carried out by the trustees. Beneficiaries have the right to contest decisions they deem unjustified via legal means in these circumstances.

As a beneficiary of a trust that grants you both information and distribution rights over the assets it holds, it is crucial that you educate yourself on all aspects of these rights. Gaining an understanding of these rights can effectively protect your interests and promote harmonious relationships among all parties engaged in the administration of trusts and benefits.

Right to Enforce the Trust

Additionally, the beneficiary of a trust may enforce the conditions and provisions outlined in the trust agreement. Legal action may hold a fiduciary liable if they neglect their responsibilities or act in a manner detrimental to the beneficiaries’ best interests.

The beneficiaries’ ability to enforce the trust is contingent upon the particular language and provisions detailed in the trust agreement. Evidence of mismanagement, breach of fiduciary duty, or failure to distribute assets in accordance with the trust’s terms typically prompts the exercise of this privilege.

Beneficiaries must diligently examine their rights pertaining to the enforcement of trusts prior to initiating any legal proceedings. In certain instances, trustees and beneficiaries may elect to address conflicts through alternative means, such as mediation, rather than resorting to litigation.

If you have concerns about the management of your trust assets or suspect a violation of your rights as a beneficiary, you should consult with an estate planning and trust litigation attorney who specializes in trusts and estates. They can guide you in assessing the necessity of enforcement and offer guidance for the ensuing procedures.

Beneficiaries exercising this privilege are required to maintain comprehensive records and documentation in support of their claims. This may consist of communication records or financial statements from trustees that reveal inconsistencies in the management of assets or that reveal instances of transgressions of fiduciary duty.

It may be advantageous for the beneficiaries to communicate with co-beneficiaries or co-trustees who are also involved in the management or benefiting from the trust. Furthermore, these individuals might possess significant knowledge regarding possible complications within the trust that could bolster assertions for enforcement.

Gaining knowledge of one’s rights as a beneficiary with regard to the enforcement of a trust can serve to protect one’s interests and guarantee that trustees execute assets in a responsible manner on behalf of the beneficiary. Furthermore, it functions as a critical security measure to prevent potential disputes between beneficiaries and trustees through the provision of unambiguous protocols for resolving such conflicts.

Right to Remove the Trustee

You have the right to remove the them from the role as trustee if they fail to carry out their responsibilities or act contrary to your best interests. This fundamental right functions as a protective measure against possible misadministration or misuse of authority by trustees.

A multitude of reasons may warrant the removal of a trustee, including but not limited to breaches of fiduciary duty, non-compliance with the trust’s asset distribution provisions, conflicts of interest, and negligence or ineptitude in the management of trust assets. Before initiating the removal process, beneficiaries must diligently examine these justifications and amass corroboration.

In order to terminate a trustee, beneficiaries are required to adhere to particular procedures specified in the trust agreement or state legislation. Typically, beneficiaries accomplish this by submitting a petition to the court, which outlines the grounds for removal and provides evidence to support those grounds.

The court will then hold a hearing where both parties will have the opportunity to present their arguments. If it determines that there are valid reasons for removal, the court may appoint a new trustee or grant beneficiaries the authority to select one themselves.

Disagreements may emerge among multiple co-trustees in the management of trusts, potentially giving rise to disputes concerning the removal of one from their respective roles. In these circumstances, beneficiaries may also find it prudent to obtain legal counsel regarding the most suitable course of action.

Notably, the process of removing a trustee can be intricate and expensive. Before taking action, beneficiaries should therefore consult with an experienced attorney who practices in trust law.

Beneficiaries contemplating the removal of trustees must exercise their right to do so in good faith and refrain from making unfounded allegations or exploiting this privilege to gain an advantage in personal disputes. The ultimate objective should be the protection of both your rights and the assets held in trust.

Right to an Accounting

Beneficiaries’ right to an accounting is among the most significant rights pertaining to trusts. This enables them to request an exhaustive record of all activities and transactions pertaining to the trust since its inception.

Accounting reports generally detail the assets of the trust, any income they produce, the expenses incurred by the trustee, and distributions to beneficiaries. It may also contain information regarding any modifications or updates to the trust agreement.

The provision of this information is vital for beneficiaries, as it enables them to oversee the management of their assets and guarantees trustees’ transparency. This can facilitate the detection of possible concerns or inconsistencies that may require additional inquiry.

Before beneficiaries may exercise this privilege, they must submit to the trustee a formal request for an accounting. The law mandates trustees to provide beneficiaries with accountings upon reasonable requests. Neglecting to comply may expose the trustees to legal consequences.

Beneficiaries must substantiate their request for an accounting with evidence that demonstrates their criticality to this information. This evidence could consist of documentation that exposes inconsistencies in distributions or gives rise to concerns regarding asset management.

In the event that fiduciaries neglect to adhere to a reasonable request for an accounting, beneficiaries may pursue legal recourse via mediation services or resort to litigation in the courts to obtain the required information. Courts may, in certain circumstances, designate an impartial accountant to perform an exhaustive examination of trust records and generate precise financial statements on the beneficiaries’ behalf.

Note that the beneficiary initiating the request will likely be responsible for any fees related to the accounting request. Furthermore, the trust agreement might also specify provisions that impose a restriction on the frequency of accounting requests. Before proceeding with their requests, those in need of accountings from fiduciaries must therefore thoroughly examine these agreements and, if necessary, consult legal counsel.

Right to Challenge the Trust

You have the right to contest a trust as its beneficiary if you hold the belief that it is void or fails to faithfully represent the intentions of the individual who established it. This privilege is a crucial protection against possible fraudulent activities or undue influence during the trust formation process.

Motives for the Challenge:

A beneficiary may choose to contest a trust for a variety of reasons, including the creator’s competence at the time the trust was established, coercion or undue influence from a third party, or failure to comply with legal requirements for establishing trusts.

To successfully contest a trust on any of these grounds, beneficiaries are required to substantiate their claims with evidence and present them in court. We advise beneficiaries to consult with a trust attorney in California prior to embarking on this course of action.

The process:

State laws and/or provisions specified in the trust agreement determine the potential for challenging a trust. Overall, however, the subsequent procedures might be as follows:

Petition Filing: The initial course of action entails submitting a petition to the court, wherein you shall delineate the grounds for contesting the trust and furnish corroborating evidence.

Notification Delivery: Subsequent to the hearing on your petition, it is mandatory to provide notice to all pertinent parties, including trustees and other beneficiaries, apprising them of your contest.

Following this, the court will conduct a hearing at which both parties will have the opportunity to present evidence and arguments concerning the trust’s validity. If the court finds sufficient grounds to support your challenge, it may choose to nullify or amend the trust. Additionally, they might necessitate additional scrutiny or inquiry into the allegations put forth by the beneficiaries prior to reaching a definitive determination regarding the outcome of the challenge.

Implementation of Changes: The court shall designate one or more individuals with the authority to carry out any modifications or deeds as specified in the decision. On occasion, this individual may be the beneficiary who lodged the challenge or the court’s appointed trustee.

Right to Privacy

You have the right to privacy with regard to your personal information and financial affairs as a beneficiary of a trust. Trustees are required by law to uphold the privacy of your information and to prevent its disclosure without your explicit permission.

What particular data is safeguarded?

The beneficiary’s right to privacy protects personal identifying information, such as social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and financial account numbers. Unless a law or court order requires disclosure, beneficiaries and trustees should ensure the confidentiality of all correspondence.

Ways to safeguard privacy rights:

In order to safeguard the privacy rights of beneficiaries, it is imperative that they exclusively disclose essential personal information to trustees. Additionally, they should thoroughly examine the trust agreement’s clauses for any provisions concerning confidentiality. Beneficiaries who are concerned that trustees may violate their privacy may bring these matters directly to the trustee’s attention or seek legal counsel regarding the most effective course of action.

When multiple parties, such as co-trustees or co-beneficiaries, are involved in the management of trusts, it may be imperative that all parties establish and strictly adhere to clear guidelines regarding the handling of confidential information. Beneficiaries may also wish to establish distinct communication channels, such as phone lines or email accounts, to prevent the disclosure of their personal information to unauthorized parties.

Additionally, beneficiaries should take security precautions to protect their personal information because of the unprecedented ease with which private information can become public due to technology. This may involve safeguarding physical copies of critical documents in a secure location, employing robust passwords for online accounts, and exercising caution when disclosing personal information on social media platforms.

Conclusion on your rights as the beneficiary of a trust

In summary, trust beneficiaries enjoy a range of rights that safeguard their interests and promote transparency in the management of their assets. The aforementioned rights encompass the right to privacy, access to information, the ability to challenge a trust, and the ability to remove trustees.

Beneficiaries must have a thorough understanding of these rights and how to effectively exercise them. To secure the interests of beneficiaries and navigate complex situations, it can be advantageous to consult with experienced attorneys who deal with trust administration and trust litigation.

Moreover, beneficiaries exercising these rights must do so in good faith and refrain from exploiting them for personal gain or leveling unfounded allegations against fiduciaries. Resolving trust management issues and safeguarding the best interests of beneficiaries also require the collaboration of all involved parties, including co-beneficiaries and co-trustees.

In general, it is advisable for beneficiaries to thoroughly examine their trust agreements and, if needed, consult legal counsel prior to undertaking any actions or making inquiries to trustees. This measure will safeguard the beneficiaries’ long-term interests by ensuring that all parties comply with the legal obligations and responsibilities associated with trust management. Furthermore, it will guarantee the preservation of their assets for the benefit of future generations. It is vital to understand one’s rights as a beneficiary.

Filippi Law Firm, P.C., provides legal services in estate planning, probate, trust administration, and trust litigation in the greater Sacramento area and Placer County, with a focus in Rocklin, Roseville, Lincoln, and Granite Bay. Give us a call at (916) 333-7910 or fill out the contact form to get in touch with our office. Consultations are free, and they can be done over the phone, via Zoom, or in person at our office in Rocklin. California.

Satisfied Client Stories


The team of Filippi Law are kind, sincere and thorough in their work. They helped us work through our trust administration of our family member, to create our own trust, and any other issues that came up along the way. We appreciate their time and their willingness to explain the process in the detail. They also helped us with needed referrals for anything else. We would highly recommend their insight to anyone.

Elizabeth G. | Sacramento, CA

Jen helped us figure out the nuances of the different state laws to help with setting up the will and distribution to family members. She found issues with our previous will/trust that were corrected and offered updates to the new laws. We are very pleased with the final product and my mother feels that her wishes have been heard and met.

Susan S. | Roseville, CA

I worked with a few different people throughout the trust distribution process and everyone was very helpful and pleasant to work with.

Nicole H. | Fort Collins, CO

Best firm I’ve ever had represent me both personally and professionally. Jim and the team lead the way!

Brandon M. | Rocklin, CA

We found the Filippi Law Firm in Yelp and we were so lucky to have found them. Both Jen and Jim were kind and patient, explaining the process and addressing our concerns with a cost we felt was appropriate for the quality of the work. At all times we felt supported in the process and it could not have gone better. If you need this kind of work do yourself a favor and reach out to these folks for help. You won’t regret it.

Ron G. | Sacramento, CA

Jenn helped us with a trust account for my parents. She is very polite and thorough at doing her job she answered every question. My parents had and made them feel very welcome there. If we ever had to use the office again, we would .

Mark L. | California

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